Safe Use of the MK Horsepower Plate


The MK Horsepower Plate is a valuable tool that can be used both preventively and to support the rehabilitation of injuries in horses. Safety is, of course, very important when using the MK Horsepower Plate. In this blog, we provide tips for the safe use of the MK Horsepower Plate.

Before starting a session on the Horsepower Plate, it is important to inspect the product to ensure there is no damage and that the plate is in good condition. It is crucial that the plate is placed on a flat, stable surface to prevent shifting. Finally, it is very important that someone is always present with the horse standing on the plate. If you have no experience using a vibration plate, seek advice from a professional.

Is it the horse's first time on the MK Horsepower Plate?

Here are some tips you can apply. Just like the first time in a trailer, the first time on the vibration plate can also be unfamiliar for horses. We recommend initially loosening both bars and walking the horse over the MK Horsepower Plate a few times together. This way, the horse can get used to the step and the surface. Once the horse walks over the plate comfortably, you can slowly close the bars and turn on the MK Horsepower Plate at a low frequency. Experience shows that horses quickly realize this is a pleasant experience and will relax.

The Horsepower Plate can be adjusted to the individual needs of the horse

The settings for the duration and intensity of the vibrations can be customized so that the plate can be used for both small ponies and large horses. It is important to start slowly with the vibration plate. The settings, time, and progression of this process depend on the advice of the veterinarian. This is based on factors such as the size of the horse, its condition, and the injury. The MK Horsepower Plate specialist at Molenkoning is also always available for advice regarding the progression of the training.

To prevent overloading, it is important to start with short sessions of 10 to 20 minutes, especially in the beginning. The duration depends on the condition of the horse and the purpose of the therapy. Initially, it is not advisable to use the Horsepower Plate for your horse daily; start with two to three times a week. As the horse gains more experience with the Horsepower Plate, the frequency can be gradually increased.

Therapy on the MK Horsepower Plate does not directly interfere with other forms of therapy

Our experience shows that, for example, shockwave therapy and the use of the MK Horsepower Plate can complement each other. It is important to determine if this combination is suitable for your horse, always in consultation with a veterinarian or professional. Overall management of the horse, especially during a rehabilitation period, is crucial.

Do you have any questions after reading this blog? Please feel free to contact us!